Great Activities to do with the Family During the COVID-19 Pandemic

By IPC Guest Blogger Patricia O’Brien:
Running out of ideas for how to entertain the kiddos?
Read on to learn what other parents are doing, then check out our list of 10 Creative Activities to Enjoy with the Family. Have fun!
Lyndsay Peterson, a location scout for television and movies, loves to do arts and crafts with her three-year-old son, Liam. Living in sunny California, the family—which includes dad, John—loves being together outside; but these days, they’re staying put in their little home among the trees.
“I love trying different scientific experiments with Liam. One of our favorites is making puffy paint. Liam loves mixing in the colors. Then we all make our own pictures. It’s actually fun for all of us!”
Learn how to make puffy paint here:
On day three of “the Isolation”, as she called it on Facebook, Kathryn Hively, founder of made a leprechaun trap with her two daughters. Another day they made potions with baking soda, vinegar, food coloring and glitter. They’ve made a button necklace and she’s teaching the girls, aged ten and six, how to sew.
“I basically look around the house for ideas. We’ve baked a lot. We’re going to do an Easter egg hunt, but I don’t have anything to put in the plastic eggs. So, we went through my older daughter’s stuff and I’ll be putting things like keychains and little toys she no longer needs into my younger daughter’s eggs. I’ll also be using stickers, old coins…anything I can find for my older daughter since I’m clearly not going out to buy things,” Hively said.
Meanwhile, Daniel Radcliffe (aka Harry Potter) Is Passing the Time Building Jurassic Park Out of Legos. Get your own set here:
Here, International Products Corporation offers 10 Creative Activities to Enjoy with the Family
- Learn Spanish. Then only speak Spanish for an entire day!
- Have an Inside Beach Party. Draw decorations, hang lights inside, and cover the floor with beach towels. Lather on sunscreen! Listen to beach music and eat your dinner on the floor. After eating, play your own version of volleyball by tying a string across the room for the “net” and try to blow a feather over the string.
- Write and Perform a Family Play. Pick a movie or story you’re familiar with and create your own funny version of it, or write one of your own. This will not only be fun, but also has the kiddos writing. Win-Win. Afterwards, give out Academy Awards! Or Have a Family Talent Show. Like a play, but funnier and with instruments.
- Make Forts in the Living Room. Then write letters to each other sitting in your own fort. Create addresses to send them to. Vote for the family mail person to deliver them. Then write responses. Again, good practice for the kiddos! Encourage them to add drawings to their letters.
- Create a New Game. Tired of playing Monopoly, Scrabble and Phase 10? Why not put them all together and play “Scrabbopoly 10?” Discuss rules, game play, and how to win. Hint: Having to make words in order to “buy” properties is an added learning activity.
- Learn How to do Origami.
- Create a Comic Book.
Try Cup stacking. Also, watch Anna Kendrick’s video and sing along:
- Watch Scott and Camber videos on YouTube to see how their family spends time together. They’ve been making family time at home fun and exciting for years!
- Have a Family Slumber Party. After a long day of acting, creating, dancing and singing, move the furniture and make beds in the living room. Create a camp fire with colored paper and tell campfire stories while sitting on your own bed eating s’mores made in the kitchen. Once the little ones nod off, keep it going with a glass of wine and a good book, read by flashlight.
Of course, not every family includes little ones. Why not try your hand at your own Family Lockdown Boogie?
Whatever you do, enjoy it. Stay well, stay safe.
Next Up: What’s the first thing you’ll do when it’s over?